Municipal enterprise


Analyzes, conducts dialogue and plans the urban environment

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What we do

Who we are

Sofproect is a municipal enterprise founded in 1997 by decision of the Sofia's City Council. The organization’s main activities are centred around the collection and analysis of environmental data, the involvement of stakeholders in constructive dialogue, and the proposal of plans, strategies and policies for the development of Sofia Municipality on the basis of analysis and dialogue.
Sofproect works in the public interest with various municipal structures, universities and researchers, industry, non-governmental and commercial organizations. In order to develop the overall urban environment, the company supports a number of projects external to the organization.
Sofproect employs a multidisciplinary team and for specific tasks we include external experts. There is also an internship program – feel free to contact us should you be interested.

If you are looking for specific content from our old website please follow this link.