Manastirski livadi - East

What is the current situation and what is the direction in which the Manastirski Livadi - East neighborhood in Sofia should develop? The first answers to these questions are the analysis and preparation of a neighborhood action plan prepared by Sofiaplan and the Union of Urbanists on a proposal from the Neighborhood Initiative Committee and the Direction Architecture and Urban Planning. A detailed action plan is forthcoming to outline concrete steps for the future development of the neighborhood.

The Manastirski Livadi - East analysis uses a holistic approach to urban planning called the City Standard. It analyzes the living conditions in the area in five thematic areas: a well-organized, arranged, healthy, safe and characteristic environment. Each strand addresses different environmental issues and provides guidance on how to develop its potential. This approach is being used for the first time in urban planning in Bulgaria, with the aim to apply it in other metropolitan areas in the future. A number of surveys were conducted in June-October 2018 to gather comprehensive information on the analysis, as well as meetings with area residents, business and administration representatives.

The main conclusions of the analysis are the need to complete the transport and technical infrastructure, the lack of public spaces with meeting places and social life, the insufficient green space and sports facilities as a result of the urban development activities conducted over the years. High levels of traffic load from incoming and transit traffic were found not only on the main arteries, but also on the inner-city streets. Pedestrian and bicycle traffic are hampered by the lack of a unified system of elements (sidewalks, lanes, pedestrian paths).

The analysis was preceded by the development of a map of Manastirski Livadi - East Quarter containing data on the various aspects of the urban environment and urban development of the neighborhood. It represents the existing state of the territory, reflecting the natural features, spatial, social and economic characteristics, as well as the expected development in the near future.

The study elaborated the "Concept for the linear park Manastirski Livadi - East with wide public access". The development aims to explore the territory's ability to create a linear park providing opportunities for a variety of outdoor activities and convenient pedestrian and bicycle crossings. Part of “Landscaping and Public Works” is made by Viridis landscape architects, and the part with river corrections is entrusted to Sofia - Proect. Work on both parts is carried out in close collaboration to achieve the best possible result.